Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dooley for Alderman

Welcome to the Dooley for Alderman blog.

This will be the web based home of my campaign for the Aldermanic seat of the 7th District of the City of Racine.

My wife Sue and I moved into Racine three and a half years ago when our home of eight years in Caledonia became a victim of the most recent road construction project on Highway 31 north of 4 Mile Road.

Since moving into the city I have become more sensitive to the issues here and wish to participate in the process of moving this city forward.

Racine is a community that has suffered through the losses of many manufacturing jobs, increasing violence, crime, gangs and a school district that tries mightily but under-performs.

Despite the challenges this community has faced the downtown area has undergone a dramatic and successful renovation that promises to continue with the Pointe Blue project.

Mayor Gary Becker deserves a great deal of praise for his leadership through that process. I have watched as Mayor Becker worked with people like Alderman Helding (a partisan opposite) for the growth and benefit of the community. It is within that spirit of cooperation and community that I enter this race.

Racine needs to continue its renovation process and continue to change and prosper in order to add the new development this community desperately needs.

We need to honestly address the issues facing our community. We need to tackle crime, promote economic development and find ways to lower our tax burden in order to encourage people to live and to do business here.

I will be addressing the issues facing our community and providing honest and open commentary on those issues on this site throughout the campaign.

I thank you for your time in reading this and ask for your support and vote on April 3rd.


Anonymous said...

Hello Fred.
What are your thoughts on the "City Haul" 262 and Cruise Inn issues and what if anything should the city do about the bars in this town?

realdebate said...

Great question, I'm on my way to the office, I will respond tonight.

Brenda said...


You mentioned the under-performing school district Racine as one of the many challenges the city faces.

What, if any, role should city or municipal government play in guiding the leadership of our school district.

Also, should the city (or surrounding villages) have a say in new buildings, school closings, etc?

Anonymous said...

Good luck Fred. I have put this blog in my blogroll, donated 20 through the button on your blog and am daring everyone who whines about wishing politicians were more like us regular guys to put up or shut up.

I may be wrong but the way I see it you are running for all of us. Whether we live there or Pewaukee. You are sending a message that conservatism and regular ethics is all the qualifications you need to lead.

Good luck!

realdebate said...

Brenda, thanks for the question, i will answer it as a new post later.

David, thanks very much for your support and the mention on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Owen from Boots and Sabers has suggested we make a donation. What is the name of the committee and mailing address?

realdebate said...

Thanks for asking Mark.

If you would like to send a check make it out to:

Dooley for Alderman
3433 Stratford Ave
Racine, WI 53402

Or, to make it easier and save the cost of a stamp, you can use the donate button on the main page of the blog to donate via Paypal.